Pregnancy – Week 29

Week… 29

Baby is the size of… small cabbage

Highlight of the Week… Putting together pieces of the nursery! We received a number of incredibly generous gifts this week that completed our nursery needs. Did you catch the update here? After we put the furniture together and in place, I took a step back and got a little emotional. In less than three months, a little person will take up residence here and start their amazing life. How cool is that?!

Frustration of the Week… Apparently, I’m still bad at estimating how much my body can handle and overdid it once again. Shocking to everyone, I’m sure! I decided it would be a good idea to help the husband with yard work on Sunday morning… for 6 hours. Primarily, I pulled weeds, helped clean the pool, and sprayed down the pool deck. And yes, you guessed it – I was sore for daaaaaaaaaaaaaaays. I have to get better at this. Haha.

Eating a lot of… Italian Ice. My best friend brought over a case last weekend and I simply can’t get enough! Such a refreshing summer treat!

Cute Thing Hubby Did This Week… Hubs has started interacting with my belly more and it’s ah-dorable!

A Tidbit… My ankles have been swellings so much – and it’s so comical! It only takes about 5 minutes of being on my feet in the morning before I get a case of elephantiasis of the feet. Where did my scrawny, boney feet go?! The Fred Flintstone nature of my feet makes me laugh every single day.

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